Friday, October 19, 2018

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this debate and present your opinion?

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this debate and present your opinion?

Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea
Ielts Essay gap year between school and university
The gap year in the universities although popular, always attracts controversies; many failed to see any visible benefits. Both the supporters and critics present their point of views in this topical issue.

On the one hand, the once who lobby  for a gap year assert that the advantages derived out of this gap year it's disadvantages. Students during a year break tend to acquire  several skills  interms of their professional and personal realms. Where at professional level the young learners get a chance to independently explore their domains and learn about their natural inclinations towards a trade which they may join after completing their academic pursuits at the personal level they learn about managing their time efficiently and working and coordinating with others

On the contrary, a break of an year during studies can act as a  distraction for the students. After travelling to different places and experiencing an unprecedented freedom, students find it hard to adjust in the study environment at the varsity, which requires students to stay disciplined. Moreover, it has been seen many pupils take up employment during the study breaks which makes taking up  studies unattractive ideas.

Similarly, the critics of this arrangement point out at several shortfalls as per them, this whole exercise can prove to be  an expensive affair. During the gap year, university students often travel to other cities and even other countries where they incur a huge expense for accommodation, travelling and living. This expenditure adds up to an already  expensive university program which poses an  undue pressure on the parents.

In a nutshell, I am of the opinion that a year off  from the studies can indeed prove to be invaluable for the students, it is even though necessary to plan the gap year judiciously, and use the time prudently

Monday, October 8, 2018

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high level of personal achievements is possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail, according to their individual merits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian societies. Others believe that high level of personal achievements is possible only if individuals are free to succeed or fail, according to their individual merits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between equality and personal achievements
Ielts Essay Achievements in various social settings 

There is a great debate nowadays over whether the attainments of people are better in social settings that promote equality, or in a set-up where the people are exposed to the risk of set-backs, however, personally feel that people who are capable, can excel in both kinds of social arrangements.

It is a general belief that people who are exposed to the likelihood of failing, excel in any task they undertake.  Such people, when standing face to face with a debacle, tend to be creative, and use every possible method to overcome challenges. This helps bring out the best out of individuals who relentlessly pursue success and infuse innovation; thereby setting benchmarks and becoming role models for the rest of the society. History has been a witness that people, like Abraham Lincoln who took initiative on their own and without any support of any kind succeeded in bringing around revolutions.

It is generally believed that people tend to attain better in a social setting that promotes equality among classes. Such an arrangement guarantees appropriate support to all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds. The assistance rendered by the state in form of opportunities, funding and logistics helps ease up the worries of the people and afford them time to focus on critical areas of work and field of interest. When there are opportunities galore for everyone and free of any discrimination people have the freedom and the time to determine their strength areas and natural inclination, where they can focus without fear and inhibitions. This makes them excel in their pursuits.

To conclude, after assessing both the points of views, it can be clearly said that achievements are achievements and cannot be compared, and people can excel in both kinds of social settings.

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