Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Many people believe it is the school’s responsibility to teach children not to eat junk food. - Ielts Essay

Many people believe it is the school’s responsibility to teach children not to eat junk food. Others believe parents should do this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Many people believe it is the school’s responsibility to teach children not to eat junk food
Ielts Essay - Who should keep children away from junk food
Since a past few decades, fast food – bereft of any essential nutrition – has been gaining popularity among kids. A dire need is being felt to dissuade young ones from this faulty food habit, but who should take this responsibility: teachers or parents, is profoundly debated.

It would be quite justified a suggestion  if mothers and fathers were made to don the responsibility of fostering healthy eating habit among their kids since  they can set examples for kids. After all, sons and daughters are the responsibility of their parents, and most of the kids tend to follow precedents of their moms and dads: they are introduced to fast food by these very people only – who themselves indulge in enjoying junk food, so if the intake of food is controlled at home, children will follow the suit.

Furthermore, children fear their mothers and fathers the most, and hence tend to follow the discipline established at home: if the parent made it compulsory for their kids to avoid fast food, the children would have to comply. Many studies have clearly elucidated this fact, when parents tend to exert a strict discipline on what to consume and what not to, kids tend to follow those orders like sermons.

However, there are others who suggest that schools should take initiative in this direction. Such an argument is based on the fact that kids spend most of their time at school, among their classmates: they tend to follow the habits of their peers more closely, and if schools made it point to persuade pupils to consuming healthy intake, the kids would easily yield.

To conclude, I personally feel that keeping junk food out of little mouths will be only possible if both teachers and parent shouldered the responsibility jointly.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Online shopping is increasing dramatically. What are the effects of online shopping on the jobs and environment? How can the negative impact of online shopping be reduced? - Ielts Essay

Online shopping is increasing dramatically. What are the effects of online shopping on the jobs and environment? How can the negative impact of online shopping be reduced?
Online shopping is increasing dramatically
Ielts Essay - Online shopping is increasing dramatically
Of late, online shopping has been experiencing a boom in business. This despite having certain positive outcomes for environment, has created a pressing situation for employment scenario. However, there are some productive ways to mitigate the adverse impacts of ecommerce.

E-shopping platforms have contributed remarkably in bringing down environmental pollution: shoppers do not need to travel to the markets and showrooms to buy goods anymore, as they get delivery of their merchandise at their doorsteps. As a consequence, the use of private conveyance has reduced substantially, since lesser number of delivery vehicles is required to deliver goods to multiple customers in a given area; thus reducing air pollution due to lesser and lesser fuel being burnt.

However, picture does not seem to be so rosy when it comes to employment: the job market for skilled people seem to be shrinking, which in long run will worsen an already rising unemployment. Ecommerce companies do not need to employ highly skilled personnel who usually manage marketing and sales departments, as they can get the work done with the help of tele-callers and delivery teams, which is also outsourced to specialized organizations who maintain dedicated teams of callers, drivers and delivery staff – that sans the requirement of any specialized education. 

Nevertheless, consumers themselves can help minimize the unfavorable impact of online selling and buying: they should not abandon the habit of visiting shopping centers and malls altogether for the sake of buying online, and make use of offers and sops being extended by retailers. This will go a long in protecting interests of retailers, as well as the skilled professionals.

Henceforth, I personally feel, notwithstanding the onslaught of online commerce sites due to the benefits they offers, we can mitigate resulting problems by adopting a little sensitive approach. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Some people believe that wild birds or animals should be forced out of the city, while others think they should be kept in the city. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. - Ielts Essay

Some people believe that wild birds or animals should be forced out of the city, while others think they should be kept in the city. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people believe that wild birds or animals should be forced out of the city
Ielts Essay - Some people believe that wild birds or animals should be forced out of the city
Sightings of wild fauna in expanding cities have raised an alarm among city authorities and environmenatalists alike. They fear unwarranted consequences of such intermingling of humans and wild creatures. Some have gone to the extent of suggesting that wild animals and birds should be  shifted out of cities though there are voicees of dissent.  

Shifting wildlife out of the cities seems to be a viable option, a suitable safegaurd for the wild creatures: instances involving interaction of humans and wild creatures have only resulted in poor wild creatures being at a receiving end. The bahavior of humans has been proven to be quite insensitive whenever these wild beings have intruded spaces of men: they have either shot or mowed down the animals and birds.

Furthermore, presence of these wild beings in the urbanized locations is also perceived as a threat to the public safety. There have been occasions when a stray carnivoran mammal, or bird has threatened humans, and caused distress. To avoid such instances, it henceforth becomes necessary to move such beings out, to ensure that they and humans remain away, at a distance, from each other.

However, many environmetalists consider such a move to be quite brutal in intent: it is humans who have invaded the space of wild fauna. If there is some threat, it is not to human beings, but to those animals and birds who have been stripped of their natural habitats; and now they have nowhere to go. Moving them out of the places might take them nearer to complete disappearance, for it is not clear whether they would be ablt adapt to a new environment successfully.   

To conclude, I feel, that wild animals and birds should be allowed to stay in the cities though in some protected environments. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages? - Ielts Essay

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Many museums charge for admission while others are free
Ielts Essay - Many museums charge for admission while others are free

Museums, in many countries, levy access fee from visitors; it is considered to be quite unjustified by many. I, however, feel that museums should be allowed to impose entrance charges, as its benefits easily exceed drawbacks of such a practice.

Charging entry fee from the visitors seems to be fully justified, since these facilities are repositories of wisdom and culture of any society: that store sculptures, manuscripts, books and arte-facts connected to the past of a society. These specimen need to be subjected to regular restoration and salvation process, which of course need expensive treatments. As government grants are quite inconsistent and irregular, taking some money from visiting individuals seems to be the only way that can help generate a regular revenues.

Apart from that, access fee makes it easy for the museum authorities to generate more revenues for ongoing and future enhancements and expansions. Archeological excavations and additions to the cultural experiences are ongoing processes that keep churning out new specimen at regular intervals. The museums need to make these new arrivals available for public display that of course need more space. Such an endeavor cannot be afforded unless a huge investment is made.

However, detractors of admission fee to these archives vehemently defend their viewpoint. They feel that museums are meant  to introduce a local community to the world, and charging entry fee from the visitors would defeat the whole purpose, since people would keep away from such locations and go somewhere else to entertain – presuming the fact that museums act as venues of entertainment.   

Henceforth, after assessing both the pros and cons of entry levies at museums, I am convinced that museums should be allowed to collect entry charges, as the benefits of charging entry outstrip drawbacks by miles.

  Some people think that climate change could have a negative effect on business. Others think that climate change could create more busines...