Saturday, December 30, 2017

There is certainly a difference in thoughts, ideas and actions between children, their parents and grandparents. Why do these differences exist? Does it cause problems in your community, in your opinion? - Ielts Essay

There is certainly a difference in thoughts, ideas and actions between children, their parents and grandparents. Why do these differences exist? Does it cause problems in your community, in your opinion?
There is certainly a difference in thoughts ideas and actions between children their parents and grandparents
Ielts Essay - There is certainly a difference in thoughts
Widening and deepening rift between the generations has always intrigued social theorists.  This has never failed to fascinate many experts: they are at their wits end to find causes behind this. But, does this lead to some problems or not, is a matter worth deep introspection though I personally feel that it does.

The strongest of causes that can be attributed to this issue is the era these people were born in. Where grandfathers and grandmothers were born in perhaps mid 1900s, and mothers and fathers in mid late century, most of the juveniles are born are in the 21st century. There is a gross difference in aspirations of the past and present, due to difference in access to sources of information about surroundings and the world: older generation relied on printed material, radio and television; the children rely on internet and social media.

Moreover, other major cause of contrasting viewpoints is the way people work, this is more associate to the speed with which these three generations work. While parents and grandparents were born in an era bereft of modern gadgets: they spent hours and days working to find out solutions and completing jobs, the new generation is more dependent on the modern equipment that helps them to  negotiate work effortlessly and quickly.

This lack of agreement in opinions is surely leading to a myriad of problems: the families are falling apart and people are abandoning old ways of life since the young generation does not want to share space or even live with their elders, which is leading to elderly living  alone fending for themselves, or moving to old age homes.

Hence, viewpoints of three different genrations can never  agree with each other, which is creating several social issues, that remain insurmountable. 

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