Friday, May 1, 2015

Internet contains a lot of Information, however, sometimes this information is inaccurate or wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Internet contains a lot of Information, however, sometimes this information is inaccurate or wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Although internet has become a major source of browsing for, and retrieving inputs, most consider this medium to be loaded with plenty of misleading data which, as per some, instead of being helpful can sometimes be harmful.  

Even though Internet has radically changed the world of communication; and storing and transferring data, it has also brought along a malady of falsified and unverifiable inputs. Most of the data being loaded onto the web portals is actually unsolicited; and most of it is managed by those posing as experts in specific fields. It has been often found that inputs on thousands of these sites are, as good as useless because it is not possible to verify the validity of the data being presented. The information, news and data being reproduced is, most of the times, copied and pasted from a plethora of sites, which in themselves lack genuineness; this reduces the usefulness of data.

Furthermore, this modern medium of relaying, presenting and transmitting information has also created many self-styled reporters and researchers who, though hide behind the veil of anonymity, claim to be successfully conducting in-depth research into various fields. Most of these people present highly biased inputs and information which off course lack consistency and have the potential of misleading users and followers. This medium has also led to a sudden spurt in instances of scams and frauds of varying severity.

However, some people feel that numerous websites and portals are loaded with verifiable inputs, and if users are smart enough to judge, they always land up at the right address. As per them, intent of retrieving data free of cost is main cause behind users     being misled by unscrupulous people.

To conclude, I feel that internet offers really useful and accurate data and inputs.

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