Thursday, October 30, 2014

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Damage to the environment is an inevitable

In the race for achieving more and more prosperity, the humans have started ignoring the plight of the natural environment that surrounds them. Some environmentalists consider this situation to be a recipe to disaster and feel the impending danger to the sanctity of the surroundings is now unavoidable though there are some who think otherwise and are quite optimistic about improvement in quality of environment.

The struggle and competition for attaining influential status at the global level and providing better life to citizens of country, governments of respective countries are encouraging establishment of more venues that fuel economic growth. As per them, only economic progress can guarantee better living quality for inhabitants. This belief is leading to extensive destruction of natural surroundings, e.g. forests and natural habitats are being cleared to make way for industry and facilities that fuel modern society. The loss in this case is irreversible and humanity may never get back whatever it loses.

Moreover, as the emphasis is on enhancing and boosting quality of life, various nodes connected to development have started carrying out expansive research on improving quality of products and services which is resulting in over consumption of natural resources. The natural resources are being extracted indiscriminately and at a startling pace thereby causing an irrevocable loss of naturally occurring minerals.

However, there are some who are quite optimistic about the safe future of the natural surroundings. They are inspired by the recent enthusiasm registered by the governments and people all over the world about thrifty use of energy and recycling of material. They feel humans would be able to salvage environment within a short span of time.

To sum up, I feel that fears being allayed about environmental damage due to development are true to a great extent.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays? Discuss.

International Music Vs Traditional Music 

Music has been an integral part of social and cultural aspirations since time unknown. Nothing much in this form of art has changed except that the styles have undergone a transformation. Today in globalized village, various,  international forms of music are in vogue  which has tempted some people to believe that local music is of no relevance in this scenario though there are people who believe otherwise.

Music is said to originate from the inner soul of humans and it sometimes helps in conveying direct and sometimes subtle hints about the seasons, feelings, moods and aspirations. Since ages humans have been singing, playing and listening to melodies in different forms all across the world to express joy, sadness, reluctance, anger and even seductive moods. Likewise, every region has its own specific music style and genre.

Nowadays, a new development seems to have influenced  this form art substantially as with advent of the globalization, more and more people have started swaying to the notes of international music forms like Jazz and Pop. Some people have started feeling that this era has no place for folk music as the global brotherhood makes local notes irrelevant and useless. As per them the use of local music highlights diversity which further nurtures tribal attitudes and bias among people.

However, some sections of society strongly feel that traditional and folk music of every region is the soul of local culture, and is laden with endless and depthless wisdom. Local notes also depict the way of thinking of natives playing them. Abandoning the region specific music would cause a major loss; all the connected content and relevant cognitive content would also be erased forever. 

To conclude, even though music in every manifestation enjoys a great relevance, I feel that traditional music can never be abandoned, for it represents the soul of a culture. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Nowadays some governments encourage industrial factories and businesses to move out of large cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss and give your opinion.

Nowadays some governments encourage industrial factories and businesses to move out of large cities. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss and give your opinion.

Lareg Cities and Industry
As the large cities world over are becoming overtly congested and polluted, the governments of different countries have come out with ambitious plans to decongest larger urban areas by encouraging industries and businesses to relocate to other locations. Many have welcomed this idea while some have registered strong reservations against this kind of a move. 

The plan of moving factories, offices and manufacturing units out of urban locales, is believed to be laden with several benefits. A move like this would not only save the infrastructure and utility framework from collapsing but it would also offer a better quality of life for the inhabitants of big cities. Additionally, this would also help in disperse  population over wider region by generating opportunities in areas other than primary urban centers. Some even feel that this would also help in preventing the wastage of resources spent on upkeep of bigger metropolitan areas.

However, those critical to this theory feel that this move would prove to be a recipe fpe disaster in a multitude of ways:  moving the factories out to other areas would result in proliferating  pollution, and congestion, to the regions that do  hardly have any infrastructure to handle the increased influx of population and resulting activities. Furthermore, the cost outlay of relocating businesses would witness a ramarkable spike; they would have to spend more for making available even the basic facilities and utilities. Moreover, in other areas, availability of skilled labor in diverse specializations and expertise would be a big issue.

To sum up, I personally feel, this policy has more detriments than favors, and will surely prove to be catastrophic in the long run, affecting rural areas  adversely. An alternative plan that targets real issues that renders enduring solutions to urban areas, would be more useful. 

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