Sunday, June 29, 2014

Some people say language courses using the internet and allowing you to talk to somebody is a good way to learn. Others, however, believe that study in classrooms is still the best way of learning. Give your opinion on these views and include your own experiences and examples.

Some people say language courses using the internet and allowing you to talk to somebody is a good way to learn. Others, however, believe that study in classrooms is still the best way of learning. Give your opinion on these views and include your own experiences and examples.

Internet has definitely transformed our lives and its advent has also changed the way we think and the way we learn about different skills. Some people have gone to extent of training themselves in linguistic skills with help of online mediums including online video  sessions and resources. However, some people feel that language is best learnt in classroom.

Using online resources to grab skills in languages has many advantages. This medium enables the learners to access the best and highly experienced language trainers and resources from across the globe. The people pursuing language skills can also stay in touch with original users of specific tongue. This aspect helps the pursuers to grab and update their knowledge about the correct usage of a language and its vocabulary.

Besides offering assess to better and up to date learning resources, online medium of learning languages also offers unprecedented freedom and incomparable exposure to the language learners, as they can  access online classes from the comfort of their homes or offices as their convenience. Furthermore, with various online facilities like video conferencing being at their disposal, the student pursuing improvements and perfection in their linguistic skills get a chance to interact with other learners.

On the  other hand, some people strongly vouch for classroom sessions. As per them, the tutoring facilitated by human teachers with their physical presence can never be superseded by online coaching. Human teachers enjoy a better access to skills and abilities of the individual students. Pupils also are exposed to real time interaction session and activities like mock sessions and dialogues. This greatly helps them in picking up linguistics faster and a better way.

In conclusion, I personally feel, although traditional classroom offers many advantages, online language training offer more flexibility to language students.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - IELTS Essay

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - - IELTS Essay

Off late, many social thinkers and scientists have started questioning validity of retirement age. Some sections strongly feel that retiring people at the age of 65 is fully justified, but some of the experts hold a strong viewpoint that challenges the very existence of retirement age.

The people, who vouch for upholding of retiring age at 65 years, suggest that, as human body and mind age up, they degenerate rapidly. The degeneration process reduces the capacity of the body as well as the brain to sustain energy levels required to keep a person active and energetic. The reduced energy levels pose serious hurdles in the way of efficient working. This factor can hamper the productivity of a person adversely. Retiring people at this stage is thus fully justified, and substituting them with younger and more active people is a way to sustain higher productivity.

Besides human body reaching performance limitations, retiring older people at the age of 65, is considered a good step, as this can create space for younger generation. Many social experts feel that, if the aged workers are not relieved of their duties then younger generation would not be able to gain employment, and garner valuable expertise. Moreover, after passing through a strenuous work routine, older people also deserve a chance to relax.

On other hand,   many experts feel that, retiring old workers is not a justifiable step. Relieving people of their obligations at a stage, when they have achieved perfection, is quite unwarranted. The senior personnel constantly struggle and sacrifice for companies and organizations, and when they arrive at a commanding stage, the organization must not abandon them.

In the end, I feel that although, retirement is a necessary exercise, seniors should be allowed to continue, if they feel so.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Public transport Should be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this change? - IELTS Essay

Public transport Should  be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this change?

Ielts Essay Public Transport 

Events of rising traffic congestions on roads have led the experts to stress on adoption of measures to improve public transportation system. Some have even gone to extent of suggesting that use of public mode of movement should me provided free of cost by the state. However, some people hold contrary views.

Provision of free mode of mass transit system can actually act as an inducement to reduce reliance on private means of travelling as nowadays, focus of majority of population is on saving money. Availability of free of charge public commuting system where public does not need to pay even a single penny would encourage it to shun personal means thereby reducing the density of traffic on roads.  This would also bring down the pollution as lesser number of units would be required to move population across the cities.

Moreover, a free of charge public transit facility would indirectly help the economy of the country as the government would not need to import more and more fossil fuel to cater to the demand of petrol and diesel. This aspect would help the government to save substantial amount of valuable foreign exchange generally channelized to disburse the oil bills.

On the other hand, a lobby of experts strongly rejects this idea. They feel establishing provisions of a tariff free mass transit system would prove to be counterproductive and would  heavily tax the financial resources of the government as in this case the onus of generating funds for establishing, maintaining and improving a robust pubic commuting system would be on the state. This would prove to be a waste of public money and prove to be impractical in the long run.

In conclusion, I feel that offering public commuting free of cost carries numerous demerits. It should be hence used with a great caution and priority should be on extending benefits to the needy and deserving only.

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