Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Mass Media, Including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? - Ielts Essay

The mass media,including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


With communication proliferating and expanding to touch every nook and corner of globe, people have greatly become influenced by swings being propagated by disparate mediums of mass media, but some people feel this fails to have a sizable impact.  

Due to its ability to penetrate faster and deeper across the topography and geography of globe and its capacity to carry loads of information, media has become a formidable means of informing people about the happenings and latest developments. Media can create awareness among people faster than anything else for e.g. a meticulous information campaign initiated by televisions channels after the gruesome rape of a girl in New Delhi in 2012 resulted in series of huge protests and demonstrations and people took to streets to demand justice.  

Besides having faster and deeper penetration, media has capability of creating a cult and addiction among the viewers, listeners and readers etc. Various companies and agencies are using this medium to publicize their products and concepts. Moreover, they often go to extent of using popular public figures to promote their merchandise. Media has always played a pivotal role in creating factors that often compel people to follow what media propagates.

On contrary, there is sizeable section that feels the mediums of communication do inform people and society but they fall short of creating trends and swings because the opinions and viewpoints are premise of rational human beings and they always consult their own conscience before forming an idea.

In conclusion, I feel that media has, although appeared as prominent innovation, ideas and opinions are more effected by individual aspirations. Thus, this notion can be said to be partly true.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Academic achievement at school or university is the only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Today when more and more people are investing their financial resources and efforts to accumulate higher educational qualifications, a debate simultaneously rages across as to what can be taken as a true parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities. Some definitely lean for academic feats while others feel natural instincts and experience gained over years has more impact on a person’s intelligence.- Ielts Essay

In last century there have been more venues established to impart higher education with people expressing strong intentions to achieve higher qualifications on grounds of their aspirations of gaining respect as being smarter and intellectual. For them, a good academic record is passport to improve employment opportunities. As per them, there is no parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities on basis of natural instincts.
 - Ielts Essay
Besides personal and professional factors, as each field becomes more and more specialized, certain fields do need better educational feats. To enter in these professions and practice, one must possess minimum standards of education defined as basic specifications of relevant field for e.g. one cannot become a doctor or an engineer without getting minimum relevant graduation.
 - Ielts Essay
On the contrary, some sections firmly believe that intelligence is not at all a factor that has to have a stamp of varsities and degrees. It has been observed in past most prominent of the inventors and innovators had not even completed their formal education and their concepts still hold true and educated lobby actually follows patterns pioneered by them. Most prominent examples are Bill gates and Dhirubhai Ambani.
 - Ielts Essay
To conclude in my view there is definitely a link between a person’s mental capabilities and academic credentials, but that is definitely limited to only getting an initial boost and rest depends on an individual’s natural learning powers and abilities to negotiate situations.- Ielts Essay

More and more people these days work harder and longer hours and have no time for family life and friends. What are the causes in your opinion? How is it affecting family life and the society as a whole? Use relevant examples to support your view. Ielts Essay

With changing times, aspirations of people are transforming rapidly and there is a significant shift in priorities of many people who have started allocating more time to their professions. Many social scientists are rigorously trying to assess the elements that influence the inclination of humans towards spending more time at work and the impact this emerging trend is bearing on personal and social lives of people dedicating more time to work.
One of the most perceptible reasons for this ever increasing inclination of people towards their work includes desire of many adults to earn decent earnings. Having more financial resources at one’s disposal is always the most desirable factor because this aspect can help people ensure reasonable living standards and access to every imaginable facility and luxury. Moreover, with transforming lifestyles, people are lured to following desire of becoming richer which pushes them to work more intensively.
Similarly, other factors that greatly influence attitude of people towards their professions and force them into working profoundly are the rising demands for continued performance in the organizations and the need to establish one’s ability and skills to be considered for career progression. There is a rat race of sorts and every individual today looks forward to rising higher in organizational hierarchy which makes them give more time to their jobs.
Over involvement with professions is having adverse impact on the family lives of people as these individuals often find themselves in social isolation and disconnect and their social and personal lives are often torn apart. Leading a disconnected and isolated life can lead to several negative outcomes in terms of mental and physical health. 
In conclusion, I feel it is necessary for each of individuals to balance their professional and personal lives to ensure a healthy life.

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