Friday, September 27, 2013

Old people take a while to begin using new technology, such as mobile phones. Why do you think this is happening? Suggest ways to encourage them to use mobile phones and new technology for their benefit. Ielts Essay

Old people take a while to begin using new technology, such as mobile phones. Why do you think this is happening? Suggest ways to encourage them to use mobile phones and new technology for their benefit.

Ielts Essay - Old People and Mobile 

Forays in technology have been quite rapid, leaving the older generation cornered by virtue of being unable to adapt to the new developments. There are several reasons which can be quoted for slower adaptation by the old people but there are solutions available to cope up with issues such as these.

The most prominent hurdle in adapting to something the elderly face is their age. As one grows older, their power to gt to terms with modern ways and methods diminishes significantly. The latest technology has a fast and compact working, whereas senior citizens are more adapted to operating in more elaborate and slower working systems. The switchover process in twilight years, thus, becomes a onerous and a cumbersome as those aging lack the quick grasping power; eventually, finding it hard to integrate with new methods.

Besides the declining power to absorb new knowedge, their health also creates impediments in them becoming familiar with recent arrivals. To corroborate, it has noticed quite often that those, in autumn years, are averse to using present-day gadgets such as cellular phones because the keys of these gizmos are way to too small  to be noticed by their ageing eyes.

Some experts suggest certain radical ways of surmounting these issues. As per them simplified instruction manuals and training programs to train the senior citizens can go a long way in motivating them to get used to latest technological introductions. They also suggest that manufacturers must also invest in producing equipment that offers convenience in accessibility.
In conclusion, I will rather suggest the only panacea is that that every effort must be made to make the aged individuals aware of the benefits of using and getting acclimatized to current technological innovations like mobiles.


Nowadays mobile phones can be found everywhere in this world. Is it a positive or a negative development? - Ielts Essay

Nowadays mobile phones can be found everywhere in this world. Is it a positive or a negative development? 
Ielts Essay - Mobile phones 

Cellular technology has not just revolutionized the field of communications but has transformed the life of people significantly. While some people feel that this development has bought about many positive changes in life of humans, there are some people who express great concern over the negative aspects of this introduction.
 Ielts Essay
The progressive lobby that advocates introduction of mobile phones as an advantageous phenomenon feels that the advent of mobile technology has ushered communication into a new era. Access to this technology has enabled laying a very convenient medium of communications at the disposal of humanity. Mobile devices offer unrivalled mobility to people and assisted in easing up their lives. They do not need to rely on the conventional landline phones in order to  reach out to outer world i.e. personal, social and professional.  Besides bringing in innovation into voice calling methods, these devices also facilitate transmission of text messages in form of short message services. These modern gizmos have largely and extensively superseded cumbersome conventional methods of sending messages including letters, telegrams and greeting cards.
 Ielts Essay
Moreover this technology has proved to be a sustainable and cost effective means of interacting as mobile technology has enabled proliferation of communication network to even the farthest and most remote areas of globe without needing to establish an extensive and expensive physical network of cables, equipment and exchanges, which are also expensive to maintain.
 Ielts Essay
On other hand some people express concern over the ill effects of this innovation. As per their opinion, there are certain reported adverse effects on health of animals and humans because of microwave emissions, which can create serious health issues.
 Ielts Essay
In conclusion, I personally feel that although, there are certain suspected adverse effects of this new development but this innovation has revolutionized human life extensively Ielts Essay

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nuclear energy is a better source of power for today’s global energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Nuclear energy is a better source of power for today’s global energy needs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay
Ielts Essay - Nuclear Energy 

Times have been changing andwith it the demand for energy has been consistently rising. To fulfill rising energyrequirements some experts bat for use of atomic energy as a convenient mediumfor resolving long term issue of growing power needs, although, there are somepeople who are completely against use of nuclear energy as power generationmedium.
The lobby that advocates use of atomic energy as a permanent power generation medium feel that the needs of humanity in terms of power is rising considerably and resources with capability and capacity of fulfilling the rising demand is decreasing. With lesser viable resources available for electricity generation, experts have started leaning towards use of fission technology for producing electricity. They feel that nuclear energy offers long term solutions as this technology does not require a consistent supply of fuel to create power and an atomic power generation facility can operate for years together after going critical.
Besides being a long term option, atomic power generation is a feasible alternative that can go a long way in reducing pollution which is generated during electricity generation because of use of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum etc. It can also help in preventing ecological disasters due to reduction in need to construct dams to assist hydel power generation.
On other hand, some people vehemently protest against use of nuclear technology because they feel that this technology is dangerous and can threaten the very existence of life on earth. They are often found quoting Chernobyl and Japanese reactor accidents which have threatened the ecological balance of large areas that surround these reactor facilities.
In conclusion, I feel that although nuclear technology presents a permanent solution for power generation, but the dangers it poses  must not also be overlooked.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some people argue that cars should be banned in city centres while others are against this idea. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. - Ielts Essay

Some people argue that cars should be banned in city centres while others are against this idea. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Ielts Essay - Ban Traffic at City Center 

With the traffic jams becoming a major issue in the bigger cities world over many urban area planners have been extending suggestions of banning the use of cars in the central parts of cities to ease up the pressure of traffic on roads, while others feel that adopting such measures would be unjustified and not help much.

People who justify imposition of measures to discourage use of personal transport in central zones of cities feel that city centers do not have wide roads and use of individual transportation adds to problems because people traversing in their own automobiles need individual space while driving which increases density of traffic per person on already clogged central city roads.

Besides increasing per person traffic density on roads, people travelling in their four wheelers also need individual parking space which further adds up to problems of already clogged narrow roads of central areas. This leaves little room for pedestrians because most of the space is used by make shift parking lots. This also spoils the looks of beautiful inner areas.

On the contrary, the lobby which feels that it would be too stringent an action to forbid use of personal four wheelers in city centers, base their argument on a strong logic. They think that people use personal transportation to save on time and barring them from entering central zones will force them to avoid these areas, which would in turn hamper the local business and popularity of these zones.

In conclusion, I personally feel that resolving the problem of traffic is indeed an issue in central areas of cities and we need to take stringent measures to ease up pressure on roads but barring entry of cars would not go long way in easing up traffic jams.   

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