Friday, June 21, 2013

Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make modern living easier and less stressful. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ielts Essay Which Food Is Better  Home or restuarant

With life becoming busier and complexity taking front seat, the food habits of people across the world have undergone a sea change and many have started preferring having their food in restaurants instead of cooking food at home as they feel that quality of food available at good hotels is better than food cooked in kitchen. Some people are pretty concerned about these changes and feel that this change is not good.

The people who have started choosing eating outside in some quality restaurant rather than cooking in their own kitchens feel that these food joints are better prepared to offer food that has all ingredients and nutrients required to live healthy. Hotels offering quality food services have better resources in form of trained chefs and dieticians who have an in-depth knowledge of calorie and nourishment requirements of human body, which has become a luxury for most of consumers who cannot afford  to think about a nourishing belly full because of their engagements in their work and social circles.

Besides restaurant diet being a healthy option, it also happens to save them time and undue stress which they have to face after a long day’s hard work. The modern concept of life prefers career over kitchen.

On contrary some  people think that this is not exactly the way the things should go, because the first objective human life is a balanced and nutritious diet which cannot never be made available even by the best of restaurants because of their commercial compulsions of keeping taste on priority over health. This is having serious implications on health of people as their bodies are losing ability to counter ailments.

In conclusion I wouldsay that homemade food is always healthy and has no alternative

Friday, June 14, 2013

Nowadays big cities in many countries become overcrowded. Why? Give some reasons and solutions for this problem.

Nowadaysbig cities in many countries become overcrowded. Why? Give some reasons andsolutions for this problem.

Today, it is being noticed that more and more people are preferring to move and live in bigger urban centers like metros, cosmopolitan cities and bigger towns, which is resulting in increasing of urban population at an unprecedented rate. This development and phenomena can be rooted to many grounds.

The primary cause of the expanding urban crowd can be sourced to the compulsion to seek for better opportunities in career and education. As the rural areas and towns face a severe shortage of facilities that can assist in providing opportunities for the people for work and education, the people move towards bigger centers in pursuit of their objectives and ambitions. Better education and highly paid jobs and more opportunities for business play a major role in improving the standard of living of people.

Besides looking for opportunities, people also seek better amenities like healthcare, transportation, entertainment and other facilities that are laid by the municipal authorities at the disposal of the inhabitants of big metropolitans like stable and better electricity and water supply etc. these facilities are only accessible in big cities and not in smaller towns and regions.

Several people have suggested ways to prevent cities from being overcrowded. They feel that the smaller cities, towns and regions must get all the support of government and authorities and other important ingredients that can help develop, foster and raise the prospects for better education. Government must also introduce initiatives that boost economic activities in regions that are lagging behind. Taking these steps will definitely stop migration of people to bigger cities.

In conclusion, I feel that this problem is abigger issue and governments across the world must find some workable solutions through juducious planning and affording facilities outside urban locales.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What other measure do you think might be effective? - IELTS ESSAY

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What other measure do you think might be effective? - IELTS ESSAY
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution
IELTS Essay - Hiking Fuel Prices

Nowadays, high density of traffic is a major issue, which is also greatly contributes to rising pollution. Many experts are carrying out extensive research to find solutions to this growing menace. May have come forward with some of usual and some most unusual solutions to get rid of this urban malady. Some feel, the best way to resolve this issue is to raise prices of gasoline, while some feel this would somehow prove ineffective.
Various social experts and researchers feel that by raising fuel prices for automobile governments will be able to distract people from using means of private transportation as raised fuel prices would subsequently raise the ratio of disposable income being diverted to travelling. This would as an affect motivate people to prefer public means over individual modes, thereby reducing the density of vehicles on roads.

On other hand, there are many people who feel this method would not be effective in long run as the affected people would be able to plan their budgets and make more money available for fuelling their individual means of transportation as travelling by their conveyance has become more or less a necessity due to absence of efficient public transportation system in many cities and countries.

They feel that authorities must find another ways to bring down use of private vehicles. An effective alternative they suggest is propagating use of car pool concept, which would only reduce the vehicle density per person on roads but also significantly reduce the density of pollutants released from burning of fossil fuel.

To conclude, I feel that raising cost of fuel would not solve this issue and instead it may contribute to inflationary tendencies. Governments must ensure establishment of efficient and effective public transit systems to discourage use of private vehicles.- IELTS ESSAY

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