Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Young drivers are careless and overconfident, and too many are killed in accidents. To eliminate this problem, we could teach children the skills of safe driving while they are at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Young Careless Drivers 

Today reckless driving and deaths due to road accidents involving younger people driving automobiles is a growing menace. It has become a dire need to put a check on this problem. There are certain experts who suggest that it will be good idea if this initiative could be taken up by schools to impart training and education on safe driving habits to young generation in their growing years. Some sections though contradict this and feel it is inappropriate.

Adventurous attitude of youth is assumed to be main cause behind present trend of rising road mishaps. As it happens that when these people step into drivable age, they seem to lack proper inputs and training on how to keep roads safe and in their quest for more adventure, they sometimes commit serious mistakes loose their lives. If they could be trained by their educational institution at a very young age, it would not only expose them to basics of road safety norms but also help them to get right attitude needed to drive safely.

Similarly, some social scientists feel that when it is the responsibility of an academic establishment to nurture qualities of a good citizenship in their pupils, then they should also participate in this mission, as safe roads also form a premise of a mature and rational adulthood.

There are strong contradictions to this theory as many have the opinion that teaching children how to drive will be waste of time as this knowledge cannot be put to use until they grow upto 18 years.

To conclude, I would rather say that stricter license issuing norms should be established and schools should be left alone as they have many more issues to address, which are more critical than safe driving. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a polarized society and this will lead to serious social problems. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a polarized society and this will lead to serious social problems.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise
Ielts Essay on Technology and Social Rift 

The spread and expansion of information technology has brought a sea change in lifestyle of people from all walks of life. It has seemingly also created a wedge between different groups in society, ones who are well adapted to this new innovation and ones who are still ignorant of this new development. It is sometimes feared that this may well create a wedge between these two groups thus resulting in social problems.

Expanding base of information technology can be observed in every walk of life today. People who have ability to cope up and adapt to this new innovation are the leaders as they can easily perform all the tasks and work without major hassles. Their professional and personal lives are thriving with this switchover. This has encouraged others to fall in line thereby, preventing conflict.

Various organizations also tend to employ people with skills to handle this medium successfully. The qualified workers stand better chance of getting rich dividends and better opportunities. For e.g. all the companies are converting their customer-care and record maintaining sections into electronic mediums, for which it becomes imperative to employ only tech savvy people.

There are sections, who are ignorant to this change, they are either be nearing retirement or living in rural areas, thus lacking interest or resources to grab opportunities. Some people still are more adapted to the traditional work procedures and are averse to the modern methods involving implementation of IT.

Whatever may be the case, I feel that the fears being allayed about social discord is more or less a concept of some pessimist social scientist. Information technology is here to stay and it will slowly spread across and embrace all people, to whichever group they may belong. They will be updated in due time.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Academic achievement at school or university is only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Academic achievement at school or university is  only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Academic excellence for intelligence 

Today when more and more and people are investing their financial resources and efforts to accumulate higher educational qualifications, a debate simultaneously rages across as to what can be taken as a true parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities. Some definitely lean for academic feats while others feel natural instincts and experience gained over years has more impact on a person’s intelligence.

In last century there have been more venues established to impart higher education wirth people expressing strong intentions to achieve higher qualifications on grounds of their aspirations of gaining respect as being smarter and intellectual. For them, a good academic record is passport to improve employment opportunities. As per them, there is no parameter to gauge an individual’s capabilities on basis of natural instincts.

Besides personal and professional factors, as each field becomes more and more specialized, certain fields do need better educational feats. To enter in these professions and practice, one must possess minimum standards of education defined as basic specifications of relevant field for e.g. one cannot become a doctor or an engineer without getting minimum relevant graduation.

On the contrary, some sections firmly believe that intelligence in not at all a factor that has to have a stamp of varsities and degrees. It has been observed in past most prominent of the inventors and innovators had not even completed their formal education and their concepts still hold true and educated lobby actually follows patterns pioneered by them. Most prominent examples are Bill gates and Dhirubhai Ambani.

To conclude in my view there is definitely a link between a person’s mental capabilities and academic credentials, but that is definitely limited to only getting an initial boost and rest depends on an individual’s natural learning powers and abilities to negotiate situations.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience. You should write at least 250 words.


The times are changing as the families move away from each other and join the quest to make a comfortable living. They are more transforming into the Nuclear families, which has actually led to a decline in the affinity among the relatives and the Family members.

Formerly, the trades of the Families were based on the traditional vocations and specializations, but now that has all changed and with the better educational resources available for everyone, people are getting the education according to their strengths. They go on to take up professions according to the skills they have developed and honed, this means that they have to wander off far away from their homes and families in search of  better opportunities. The tryst keeps them busy with their work and they have lesser and lesser time to socialize with the people at home and with the relatives.

People in order to make a better living, they are more involved in their professions and the work, though most get compensated fairly, this again leaves a vacuum on account of the family and the community life.

There are several suggestions on the horizon from the various social scientists, who advocate a closer family and the community ties for a better and healthy living. One that can be easily suggested is the organizing parties and picnics with the family and friends. This would in their opinion bring about a change in the daily hectic schedule, but also recreate a bonding that can be nourished only through the personal contacts.

This is rather a paradox that in times of stressful living people and families are drifting apart. In my view people should make every effort to really recreate bonds and relationships that can nurture a peaceful and harmonious living.

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