Sunday, July 29, 2018

The difference in age between parents and their children has increased compared to the past. Do you think advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The difference in age between parents and their children has increased compared to the past. Do you think advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The difference in age between parents and their children has increased compared to the past
Ielts Essay Age Gap between Parents And Children 

Social theorists are today, intrigued by the new trend that is seeing people having children much later than they had in the past. Nevertheless, this has both strengths and shortfalls though I find this phenomenon to be laden with more shortfalls than strengths.

It is not too hard to enumerate failings of this trend: kids tend to miss golden opportunities to get involved in various activities with their parents – which tends to make them less and less confident and more and more lonely. As mothers and fathers grow old, they lose ability to cope up with the demands of their sons and daughters, of participating in activities, especially that require physical efforts such as playing some kind of sports, or  activities, like helping with home-works. This creates a void in the mental and physical growth of the young ones.

Moreover, this is leading to frictions due to generation gap: the bigger the age-difference, wider the wedge of aspirations and expectations between the generations, and greater the likelihood of clashes. With the things changing fast, the technology, the social set-up and even the working-methods are witnessing radical transformations, and by the time the kids turn into adults, parents are already a thing of by-gone era, as some may suggest. This creates difference in almost everything, thus making them incompatible to each other.

However, this phenomena does have a brighter side too, the parents who have kids later in life tend to offer financial stability to their families, as most of them have already established themselves in their careers and are near the pinnacle, which helps them earn handsome money; thus a promising future to the kids.

To cap it, this is quite clear that drawbacks of this trend eclipse its benefits; hence it may prove to be detrimental  in long run.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Many parents (mostly women) decide to stay home and take care of the family members instead of going out for work. Some people suggest that they should be paid by the government for doing that. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience

Many parents (mostly women) decide to stay home and take care of the family members instead of going out for work. Some people suggest that they should be paid by the government for doing that. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.
Many parents (mostly women) decide to stay home and take care of the family members instead of going out for work
Ielts Essay Parenting and compensation 

With family systems undergoing a sea-change  and nuclear families coming into existence, it is being observed that either the father or the mother chooses to forego professional pursuit to look-after their kids. This has resulted in demand that such people should be compensated despite some presenting a strong aversion to this proposal.

People deserve to be compensated for their sacrifice: such foregoing of a professional pursuit has helped the society in. Supporters of such benefits retort, unemployment is a burning issue, and governments are struggling to alleviate joblessness; such a decision always comes in as a boon in disguise: if these people had chosen to work, they would have occupied a place on which some other people are working – thus providing employment to at least one member of a family; thereby reducing income disparities in the society. 

Moreover, such remuneration would be a true tribute to those choosing to take the initiative to ensure a healthy future of society, at the cost of their careers. In the materialistic world, it is rare to find people prepared to forego promising professional pursuits for the sake of the future of their children and thus the society, and such compensation could prove to be at least a consolation.

However, critics to this proposal consider it to be ludicrous. As per them, If such people remain out of job and lose money somewhere, they also save some; they do not need any external help to assist them, and this decision is their own and not forced upon them. Furthermore, such a decision would tax the state financially and would lead to many unwarranted consequences, like hike in taxes, etc.

To conclude,  I concur with this proposal, and find such a compensation to be worthwhile and surely productive.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to change it? Ielts Essay

Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to change it?
Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains
Ielts Essay  Private Or Public Transport 
Of late, many have started resorting to using their own vehicles instead of public transport. This, inclination despite creating many problems, as per some, can be attributed to certain plausible reasons. But, state can take some really innovative steps to bring around a change in this trend.

The most prominent of the reasons of why most prefer using private conveyance over public transport is the absence of efficient networks;  lack of reach, due to which, people, especially in urban areas often have to wait long to access transport; battle it out in the crowded buses and trains; or, end up either needing change on the routes, or using multiple modes in a single trip. This makes cars a more attractive option: ones travelling by their own four-wheelers get a door-to-door service, and  enjoy a convenience of time.  

Moreover, possession of cars and travelling using them, today, has presumably become a status symbol of sorts, and many find travelling  by public means to be quite disparaging, they  do not want to be seen struggling in a crowded bus of a train  – this perception is more prominently visible in the poor countries. This perspective is strengthened by lack of availability of appropriate public commuting systems options that  could serve an elite clientele.

However, the trend of abandoning public modes in favor of private mediums, can be halted provided the governments, across the world, take up prudent steps: establishing effective and efficient public commuting system to cater to a cross-section of society as per their requirements; using inducements to commuters to promote use of public mode of movement, etc.  

To conclude, I personally feel, despite lure of private commuting deepening among people, the trend can  be stemmed if certain judicious steps are taken.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Many people believe that reducing speed limit is the best option for road safety improvement. Do you think there are other measures that could be put in place? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Many people believe that reducing speed limit is the best option for road safety improvement. Do you think there are other measures that could be put in place? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Many people believe that reducing speed limit is the best option for road safety improvement
Ielts Essay Speed Limits 
Over-speeding is a modern evil fuelled by adventurous spirits of humans which can sometimes, result in unwarranted outcomes, often fatal injuries. This makes it imperative, as per many, to curb speed though this practice has its own benefits and of course, some drawbacks. I am quite convinced about using speed control mechanism: there is no other alternative to ensure road safety.

It is commonly felt, reigning in speeding drivers is the only solution to make roads safer, or else drivers would never be able to overcome the temptation of pushing gas pedals of their vehicles further down. If this law is implemented strictly, people will, instead of finding excuses to drive faster and displaying their fearless attitudes, will adjust to the conditions and adopt safe driving habits.

Installing speed limits on roads, highways and streets, can prove to be highly productive a step: it would make drivers drive responsibly and safely, thus, reducing number of accidents, and thus injuries and causalities. It has been observed quite often that when driving at high speeds, people have little time to respond effectively to any situation since their reflexes cannot function as fast as the speed of their vehicles. This jeopardizes safety of not only the occupants of erring automobiles but also of others around.

However, critics of the speed limit arrangement often cite certain shortfalls of slowing down the vehicles. This, as per them may lead in rise in levels of air and noise pollution: vehicles moving at a slow speed tend to consume too much fuel, and their engines also tend to generate more noise, due to higher rounds per minute.

To summarize, applying speed control norms can help a great deal in ensuring that people remain safe while plying on the roads; hence it is advantageous.  

Monday, July 2, 2018

In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative development in your opinion? To what extent do you support this development? Ielts Positive and Negative Development

In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative development in your opinion? To what extent do you support this development?
In the modern world it is possible to shop
Ielts Essay Internet 
Like every coin has two sides, use of internet in almost every walk of life also has its pros and cons. Even though people may call it a positive  a phenomena, I feel this has brought in an array of  adverse consequences on humans and their society.     

Use of internet for carrying out work, like communicating, shopping and working  has ushered in an era of great convenience. Now, people do not need to leave their comfort zones, and face pollution and crowds: they can save time which otherwise would be wasted in travelling to offices, shopping areas and meeting nears and dears. Use of internet to carry out various professional and personal functions has also aided in expanding their horizons – people are working, shopping and establishing relationships in areas that were beyond their imagination formerly.

However, this trend has also brought along certain serious drawbacks along, there is an increased risk of frauds and lack of privacy. People and their private data is no more their confidential, as public domain is privy to even the most intimate details of professional domains and personal lives, which makes individuals vulnerable to online data thefts and trickery.

I personally feel that despite  certain partisans promoting this trend as a path breaking innovation, use of internet in almost every walk of life had led to social isolation and stress. Nowadays, most individuals find themselves leading a lonely life: they may although be in touch with thousands professionally and personally, and may be doing a lot of work conveniently, they are still lacking social intimacy, which humans generally crave for, and this is having its unwarranted impact on humans.  

Henceforth, it can be said that by and large humans are at a receiving end because of this new introduction.

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