Friday, September 29, 2017

Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. why is this? what are the advantages and disadvantages of these?

Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. why is this? what are the advantages and disadvantages of these?
Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world
IELTS ESSAY - Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world

As the energy crisis deepens, it has been observed that many domestic users are slowly turning to nature, especially the sun, for harnessing power. The causes are too obvious as there are certain strong benefits associated with use of this source albeit some drawbacks.

Most of the residents are shifting to using this source of energy as it is not only a cheaper mean of getting electricity at their doorsteps but also offer a chance to earn some money. The frighteningly exorbitant power bills has persuaded people to shift to this source since  although it may take some  investment in the start, it does turn out to be quite affordable in the long run. Apart from that, in certain countries, like UK, households have also been inspired by possibility of being able to sell surplus power to the national grid, thereby earning some money in return of minimal efforts and investments.

The most prominent of the benefits of using solar power is its portability. The domestic users have been primarily attracted to this source since they can easily install it at their homes: the solar cell units producing power occupy minimal space, as they can be fitted even on the roof tops, and can be moved whenever required without expending too much money on relocating. 

Nevertheless, there are several drawbacks associated with the use of this technology. Maintaining and operating these units is a tedious job since upkeep of batteries used for storing electrical charge need constant monitoring and maintenance, which needs people to use services of experts. Furthermore, this power is only available through the day and that also if it is a sunny day.

To conclude, despite having some drawbacks this energy source can prove  to be a good alternative to other sources. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Many people believe that economic development is necessary for a country’s success. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such approach?

Many people believe that economic development is necessary for a country’s success. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such approach?
Many people believe that economic development is necessary for a country’s success
Ielts Essay - Many people believe that economic development is necessary for a country’s success
Every country seeks economic prosperity, as it guarantees long term benefits for the inhabitants, but this method has always invited a lot of arguments between lobbies of those who see benefits in this, and those who are skeptical  of this way of making a nation successful.

Countries developing their economic might are able to reap rich benefits in form of increased economic activities. This helps in generating employment venues, for high skilled labor and professionals, that offer excellent salaries; thus boosting purchasing power of the consumers, which in turn leads to higher production, business and finally more employment. Governments can also gross higher tax collections that can be invested in furtherance of development, including research and development of better technologies that would undoubtedly help a nation to a prosperous future too.

Similarly, inhabitants of a financially strong economy can enjoy spoils of prosperity and a healthy human development index. Such nations can offer a good quality of life to the citizens in form of better support services, like excellent educational venues and resources, a good healthcare network, appropriate unemployment and old age support. People can also get benefits in form of quality transport and recreational facilities.

However, prioritizing economic progress does have its downside too, since in an attempt to boost development , countries quite often tax and damage environment beyond repair. Establishing industry and commercial locations; creating quality dwelling areas for the inhabitants, etc. results in clearing of  forest, thereby destroying natural habitats and damaging ecology. Moreover, as a nation progresses, riding on a wave of consumerism, pollution registers a spike bringing along damage to all three spheres of environment. 

Henceforth, despite carrying numerous positives, focusing exclusively on economic progress can prove to be expensive if other aspects of progress are ignored.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Nowadays people from different countries watch and enjoy the same films, advertisements, music, and fashion. Do you agree or disagree? What are advantages and disadvantages of this development?

Nowadays people from different countries watch and enjoy the same films, advertisements, music, and fashion. Do you agree or disagree? What are advantages and disadvantages of this development?
Nowadays people from different countries watch and enjoy the same films, advertisements, music, and fashion. Do you agree or disagree? What are advantages and disadvantages of this development?
Ielts Essay - Nowadays people from different countries watch and enjoy the same films
People, all across the world, today are believed to be having similar tastes in many walks of life, especially in the realms of entertainment and clothing,  even though it is for sure, this phenomenon has its own strengths and failings.

It is quite true that inhabitants of various countries at large, across the length and the breadth of the globe, have developed similar tastes. They are influenced by global trends due to the advent of ever expanding internet and social media. These factors have fuelled a strange trend -individuals are getting a wide exposure, due to open and convenient interaction, and they are often found discussing various things amongst themselves which ultimately has helped develop similar tastes.

This phenomenon has brought in great benefits, as people now behave like inhabitants of a global village. One can experience a sweet bonhomie among the natives of various cultures, societies and countries. This is a quite positive development as it indicates fostering similar views and aspirations which may lead to creation of harmony among the citizens of planet some day and bring in an end to a constant tussle and conflicts.

Nevertheless, whatever may be the case, there are serious shortfalls of this shift, as we may see many cultures and languages, especially of the poor countries disappearing soon. It can be clearly experienced that similar aspirations are being supported and promoted by dominant   cultures and languages of specific nations; this has led others to believe that they belong to inferior societies, and thus people, especially the  youth, are not interested in perpetuating their native cultures further.

Henceforth, people across the world have started developing similar tastes, but despite having several benefits this trend does have serious shortfalls, and we might see the fallout of such aspects pretty soon.  

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