Thursday, April 23, 2015

Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Restriction on creativity 
Art and creativeness have always inspired the society, and have given it a reason to rejoice and enjoy the life, but sometimes creativity tends to offend aspirations of some parts of social groups. This inspires some sections to advocate keeping a check on what artists can do though some others feel that freedom of people connected with arts should not be curtailed.

Art has always illustrated and reflected the aspirations of society and community from where it originates. Down the centuries, it has been regarded as an icon of deeply embedded rich traditions and culture by the creators and the admirers alike. Curtailing the freedom of artistic expression would have an adverse impact on the outlook of the society as it would make that society look like a ghetto of hardliners which is greatly influenced by the fanatic zealots.

Besides this, creative people like painters, dancers, actors, poets and writers have always stimulated renaissance and revolution. Common people have always been positively influenced by the path breaking ideas perpetuated by the creators of masterpieces in literature, poetry, statues and painted exhibits etc. For example, Shakespeare, a renowned playwright is considered to be an icon of creativity by Brits who still take a lot of wisdom from his plays which he wrote with a view of reflecting contemporary social aspirations.

However, creativeness as per some, should not be allowed an unimpeded access to expression as it can have adverse impact on the society. The creations of some of the artistic exponents can often lead to social conflicts which in turn can offset and dilute the very objective of creation. Some artists are often even termed as biased and selfish. 

To sum up, I feel that independence of people connected with arts should not be impeded: the exponents of arts are vehicles of perpetuating culture. Therefore, I completely subscribe to the statement.     

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sometimes celebrities get invited to international aid events. Do you think that such events deviate from their main purpose by inviting famous people?

Sometimes celebrities get invited to international aid events. Do you think that such events deviate from their main purpose by inviting famous people?

Celebrity or Philanthropy?

Philanthropy has become a fad among the elite today, and almost every organization, offering humanitarian or relief assistance, is finding it easy to raise resources by simply organizing charity shows and roping in famous people to endorse these happenings. Some critics vehemently challenge the validity of such activities while some find such things really practical.

Collecting money through big star-studded charity shows is always considered an excellent method of raising funds for charitable objectives. Roping in famous public personalities boosts the relevance of such happenings, as more and more people emulate the precedents of their idols and contribute by buying entry passes for such events, or even donating handsome amounts. Moreover, this spurs interest among various sections of the society simultaneously, and the aid organizations are able to reach more and more people quickly.

For instance, recently an NGO organized a charity show in Delhi to create awareness about the plight of the rivers in India; and collect much-needed funds and logistical support to run their campaign effortlessly, so they hired services of a renowned journalist, with a large fan following, to endorse their cause and the show. consequently, several admirers, from far-flung areas of Delhi and around, of  that individual joined the show and paid decent sums of money and also voluteered forthe cause.

However, bringing in celebrities has its own perils; the focus of shows tends to shift from being cause centric to being person centric. This kind of shift affects the image of such events adversely as many consider such activities as mere publicity stunts; this might cause disenchantment among the populace, and take it away.   

To conclude, I feel celebrited boost the image of such shows rather than tarnishing it; this method is the easiest to enlighten the world about the altrusitic objectives and plight of the  

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