Sunday, January 26, 2014

Air travel is cheap these days, allowing ordinary people to travel further. Some people say that airfare should be increased because this leads to environmental problems and reduce air pollution. In what extent do you agree or disagree.

Air travel is cheap these days, allowing ordinary people to travel further. Some people say that airfare should be increased because this leads to environmental problems and reduce air pollution. Do you think that raising airfares would help reduce air pollution? In what extent do you agree or disagree. 

Technological development has made travelling by air affordable. This has encouraged masses to  make use of this medium. The trend has helped boost business of airlines, and inspired them to increase frequency of flights. Frequent flying means burning more and more fossil fuel, and generating more pollution. This has raised an alarm among a sizeable section of environmentalists, who feel that keeping pollution down is very important. Some have started suggesting that raising the air-tariff would help a lot, while some hold a contrary  view.

Some experts feel that raising the air travel fare could help reduce pollution, as increased air ticket fare would make travelling by air unaffordable for the masses, because the expenditure incurred on air tickets would be beyond the reach of many. Reduced crowds would  force the airlines to scale down operations significantly, which would in-turn, lead to significant drop in the rate of release of pollutants into the environment.

On the contrary, some people feel that raising the tariff and cost of air tickets would prove ineffective, because  most people use this medium to travel to distant destinations, where using other mediums of movement is impossible and literally impractical. Raising air travel tariff would only affect the travelers financially, but they would not abandon travelling by air.

Besides a compulsion to take a flight to distant locations, this medium has become a habit for many for e.g. in some countries like USA, people prefer taking a flight rather by boarding a train or a greyhound bus, because they have got used to this routine.

In conclusion, I feel that raising air fares cannot help in reducing the environmental pollution. The need of the hour is to develop such technologies which help in reducing the release of pollutants into air.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - IELTS Essay

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - IELTS Essay 

Ielts Essay - Reture at 65?

Off late, many social thinkers and scientists have started questioning validity of retirement age. Some sections strongly feel that retiring people at the age of 65 is fully justified, but some of the experts hold a strong viewpoint that challenges the very existence of retirement age.

The people, who vouch for upholding of retiring age at 65 years, suggest that, as human body and mind age up, they degenerate rapidly. The degeneration process reduces the capacity of the body as well as the brain to sustain energy levels required to keep a person active and energetic. The reduced energy levels pose serious hurdles in the way of efficient working. This factor can hamper the productivity of a person adversely. Retiring people at this stage is thus fully justified, and substituting them with younger and more active people is a way to sustain higher productivity.

Besides human body reaching performance limitations, retiring older people at the age of 65, is considered a good step, as this can create space for younger generation. Many social experts feel that, if the aged workers are not relieved of their duties then younger generation would not be able to gain employment, and garner valuable expertise. Moreover, after passing through a strenuous work routine, older people also deserve a chance to relax.

On other hand,   many experts feel that, retiring old workers is not a justifiable step. Relieving people of their obligations at a stage, when they have achieved perfection, is quite unwarranted. The senior personnel constantly struggle and sacrifice for companies and organizations, and when they arrive at a commanding stage, the organization must not abandon them.

In the end, I feel that although, retirement is a necessary exercise, seniors should be allowed to continue, if they feel so.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Some companies are closing their offices one day per week to save energy (gas, electricity). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? - IELTS ESSAY

Some companies are closing theiroffices one day per week to save energy (gas, electricity). What are theadvantages and disadvantages of this?

Nowadays, saving on energy, and financial outlay of expenses connected with the consumption of power is on the top priority for many organizations. This has given rise to a strange trend among the organizations, as they have resorted to keeping a day-off at their office premises. The trend has attracted a debate among many experts, who discuss several benefits and drawbacks  of this new development. IELTS TEST ESSAY 

Some of the benefits of offering holiday at the work to make some savings on energy include reducing the per capita consumption of utilities, like electricity and gas. As per some experts,  the reduction in the per person consumption of the electricity and the gas helps the companies and the organizations in reducing financial expenditure, which in turn leads to optimization of operations. As per them, saving on energy bills means saving money.   IELTS TEST ESSAY 

Besides saving money, reducing the consumption by keeping a weekly-off at offices help in minimizing the consumption of the natural resources, because facilities generating electricity and gas utilize a huge amount of naturally occurring materials like oil and coal, etc.. Many companies are taking similar steps to help in conserving natural resources. Such steps form a part of the green initiative. IELTS TEST ESSAY 

On the contrary, some people feel, closing down offices for a day in a week has more drawbacks than the benefits. The savings made on the power consumption by keeping an off-day are easily offset by a comparative increase in power consumption on the other days, because the companies are forced to extend the working hours to compensate for the man hours lost  in keeping a day-off at the premises. IELTS TEST ESSAY 

In conclusion, I feel that keeping a weekday off at the offices always advantageous, and it greatly helps in bringing down the financial outlay on the power bills. IELTS TEST ESSAY 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

In many cases the development of a country is accompanied by pollution and environmental damage. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In many cases development of a country is accompanied by pollution and environmental damage. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  
In many cases development of a country is accompanied by pollution and environmental damage
Ielts Essay - Development of a country is accompanied by pollution 

Today, all nations of the planet are striving hard to develop their economies. This progress has raised many concerns among the environmental experts, as they feel that the race to register growth has resulted in a dramatic rise in contamination of the surroundings, including land, air, and water, etc.. This has had an adverse impact on the ecological balance of the planet. There are those, who feel that pollution has nothing to do with development.

Many environmentalists feel, the race to register progress has taken its toll on our mother earth, and it has resulted in large scale destruction of natural ecology. The greed of maximizing the growth has encouraged humans to establish more and more industries, and indiscriminately exploit natural resources. This, in-turn has created a trend of over consumption. Higher production and consumption pattern has hit the environment hardest, and the planet earth is choking due to pollutants.

On the contrary, some people feel, it is not progress which has polluted our natural surroundings, but instead, it is indifferent attitude  of the people towards a cleaner environment, which is generating pollution. The progress registered in the past few years, has helped in improving the technology. If this new technology is rigorously implemented, things could be far better, but people simply do not want to adapt to the latest technological innovations. Many experts think that, if the countries could create a change in their policies, and take more responsible decisions about deploying greener technologies, things can improve to a great extent.
In conclusion, I personally feel, that although, development has somewhat contributed to the  destruction of natural ecology, but it is the ignorance of people, which is making things worse, and to drive mankind out of this problem, we need to adopt a greener approach. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

To be successful in education, it is more important to be a good student than to have good teachers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ielts Essay

To be successful in education, it is more important to be a good student than to have good teachers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Ielts Essay 

Ielts Essay - Good Students or Teachers 

With education proliferating to different corners of the globe, people have started discussing and comparing relevance of teachers in education systems. Some experts feel that to impart effective knowledge, it is very important to have effective teaching strategies and qualified teaching staff, but there are certain experts who feel that success in education can be only guaranteed for those pupils who are intelligent and are meticulous in their study routines.Ielts Essay

Teachers have always been an important element in educational system and almost every human realizes the relevance of their relevance. The people imparting the knowledge and knowhow possess all the skills to elaborate the intricacies of subjects not only to the young minds, but also to the grown-ups. It is a teacher, who interprets the deepest of meanings to the pupils seeking knowledge, and good instructors can make all the difference, because they have access to intelligence of each student, and deliver lessons appropriately, and as per requirements.

Besides teachers being the mediums of delivering the subject matter effectively, they also play a pivotal role in helping students devise effective strategies to learn and pick up skills. Most of the instructors are well versed and practiced individuals, and they have an in-depth knowledge of elements required to gain valuable knowhow in each domain. Effective delivery of subjects and well planned strategies guarantee successful education.

On contrary, there are some people who feel that attainment in academic pursuals is a tangible term only for the pupils, who are intelligent and have necessary skills to cope with the complexity of subjects they are pursuing. In their view, no teacher can deliver subject knowledge to those who are not receptive.

In conclusion, I feel that importance of teachers in the educational system can never be undermined.    

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age? - IELTS ESSAY

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age?

Off late, many social thinkers and scientists have started questioning validity of retirement age. Some sections strongly feel that retiring people at the age of 65 is fully justified, but some of the experts hold a strong viewpoint that challenges the very existence of retirement age.

The people, who vouch for upholding of retiring age at 65 years, suggest that, as human body and mind age up, they degenerate rapidly. The degeneration process reduces the capacity of the body as well as the brain to sustain energy levels required to keep a person active and energetic. The reduced energy levels pose serious hurdles in the way of efficient working. This factor can hamper the productivity of a person adversely. Retiring people at this stage is thus fully justified, and substituting them with younger and more active people is a way to sustain higher productivity.

Besides human body reaching performance limitations, retiring older people at the age of 65 is considered a good step, as this can create space for younger generation. Many social experts feel that, if the aged workers are not relieved of their duties then younger generation would not be able to gain employment, and garner valuable expertise. Moreover, after passing through a strenuous work routine, older people also deserve a chance to relax.

On other hand,   many experts feel that, retiring old workers is not a justifiable step. Relieving people of their obligations at a stage, when they have achieved perfection, is quite unwarranted. The senior personnel constantly struggle and sacrifice for companies and organizations, and when they arrive at a commanding stage, the organization must not abandon them.

In the end, I feel that although, retirement is a necessary exercise, seniors should be allowed to continue, if they feel so.  

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