Thursday, November 30, 2023

In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact. What are the challenges of adopting a sustainable lifestyle? What practical actions can individuals take to contribute to sustainability?

In many societies, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable living and reducing environmental impact. What are the challenges of adopting a sustainable lifestyle? What practical actions can individuals take to contribute to sustainability?

Despite widespread awareness about the relevance of environmentally friendly lifestyles among, embracing such ways is proving to be onerous. This can be attributed to several causes, making it imperative to discover panacea at individual level. 

The most prominent of the impediments facing this task is the tremendous increment in the population, generating greater demands for shelter, food, industrialization and other amenities, to name a few, thereby engendering a stiff competition for facilities and goods, exacerbating the exploitation of natural resources such as minerals, wood, and so on, and impacting the environment adversely. Moreover, even though inhabitants are adequately enlightened and are willing to switch to eco-friendly ways, they lack access to expertise and resources that can  be deployed to allow such transformation.  

Additionally, several businesses are more concerned about financial benefits and less inclined to fulfilling corporate social responsibility - owing to economic pressures, and tend to use cheaper alternatives, in terms of energy sources and raw material, derived from the nature, instead of opting for greener fuels and applying concepts of recycling, in order to augment their profitability, precipitating adverse impact and offsetting any gains made in making environment sustainable.  

Nevertheless, in order to turn  the table on adversities, the populace at large should don the mantle by minimizing consumption, wastage and unsustainable ways such as excessive use of fossil fuels. It has been established by various researches that if one starts to act at their own device and limit their habits of overshopping; wasting water, electricity and other essential resources like food; and stop unnecessary usage of cars, things can go a long way.  

Overall, the expanding population, lack of expertise and greed to earn higher returns are impeding switching to eco-friendly ways of life, nonetheless everyone can play their part by exercising  restraint. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Some people say that to benefit the development of a child, the mother and father should take parenting classes. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people say that to benefit the development of a child, the mother and father should take parenting classes. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people say that to benefit the development of a child

Why should one take parenting classes?

·   So that they can appreciate the intricacies (complexities) involved in a task as complex as child rearing 

·   They can also learn about how to behave, treat and also monitor their wards 

·   How to inspire, encourage, stop and also persuade their young ones without using force or retribution 

·  How to adapt to the changing needs of their children as they grow up 

 Why such a learning, is going to be futile, and hence not required? 

·   Parenting is an art that is grasped by observing and experiencing rather than reading about it in manuals

Several social theorists have started suggesting that to address the changing paradigm of child rearing, couples must enroll for courses in parenting to ensure effective negotiation of this complex task; nevertheless, there are others who feel that such learning will yield little productive outcomes. 

To start with, an army of people is quite enthusiastic about this proposal. Their optimism is based on the assumption that attending such sessions would help the prospective mothers and fathers to inform themselves about the intricacies involved in the task as complex as bringing the young ones up. This would go a long way in helping people to prepare themselves mentally for handling different stages in the life of a child, in other words, they would perform their duties as parents with zeal and keenness instead of harboring remorse.

However, there are others who are quite skeptical about the usefulness of such a practice. In their perspective, child upbringing is more of an art, than it is a science, that can be grasped only by having innate skills and observing others besides devising strategies on the basis of own experiences. Human nature is a complex combination of diverse traits, preferences and attitudes, making it unpredictable and even incomprehensible. This makes the possibility of learning about how to be a  good parent with the help of manuals and lectures, effectively quite bleak. To corroborate, a study carried out by Institute of Psychologists, MIT, reported that training courses in parenting were of little assistance to young parents who had to seek help from their elders to do this job.

Overall, I completely fail to subscribe to this suggestion since I feel rearing a child successfully is only possible if one uses their intellect and draws inspiration from others experienced in this task.

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