Monday, July 22, 2019

Nowadays newspapers publish information about private lives of individuals. Some people think the government should maintain certain control over the information that gets published, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays newspapers publish information about private lives of individuals. Some people think the government should maintain certain control over the information that gets published, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words. 
Nowadays newspapers publish information about private lives of individuals
Ielts Essay Press Freedom  Of late newspapers have been making private lives of people public. This has prompted certain sections to propose a strict control on what can be disclosed to audience and what not even though there are some who believe that such a move by the government is unnecessary. 

Those vouching for censuring the content revealing intricate personal lives, feel that press and newspapers have no right to encroach the private space of people even if they are celebrities and noted public figures. Every individual enjoys this fundamental right and anybody trespassing this privilege should be inhibited. Governments being the controlling bodies should guarantee this right to every citizen, regardless of their status in the society.  

Moreover, paparazzi  has been a cause a distress and extreme consequences in  certain cases. Their hot pursuit of people, in order to extract details about their private lives, has ruined many. People attribute family disputes, legal separations, and even bereavement to these investigative journalists. This can be illustrated by the death of Princess Diana in a car mishap that was an outcome of a press photographer chasing her and her friend.

Having said that, a lobby  vehemently defends the rights of reporters and citizens to know, and make the private lives of individuals public, especially of celebrated personalities and politicians. These key public figures, through their actions, influence their followers, critics other common people profoundly, negatively or positively. With the reporters bringing forth information  about how noted individuals behave and deal with situations behind the veil of privacy, can either inspire or caution others.

To conclude, I personally feel, despite the fact that freedom should be rendered to press to peek into private lives, certain limits should be defined, and caution must exercised on what can be brought forth.    

Thursday, July 18, 2019

People sleep less than before in many countries. Why do people sleep less? What effect does it have on an individual and on society?

People sleep less than before in many countries. Why do people sleep less? What effect does it have on an individual and on society?
People sleep less than before in many countries
Ielts Essay - Sleeping less 
An alarming  phenomenon is being observed among humans: subjecting themselves to sleep deprivation. Various health experts attribute this new development to intent of people to fulfill their professional dreams and personal goals. However, this is having severe implications on t he mental and physical health of individuals, as well as the society.

It is undeniable that most are embroiled in a struggle to make their both ends meet, financial constraints being a primary cause of  worry for most, or ensure a rapid career progression. This makes them either take up multiple careers, or work in their offices late hours. Nevertheless, with the a day having only twenty four hours  in it, most find it suitable to sacrifice the time they would spend sleeping.  

On top of that, people, in contemporary times, seem to have developed a penchant for engaging with technology for leisure: playing games on computers and handheld  gadgets; and interacting with others using social media has become a common practice. This is being done to compensate for the time lost while overworking  for attaining professional  goals. This indulgence is inducing people to spend an invariably long time on this activity, eventually making them stay awake and alert longer than usual.

However, sleep deprivation is making its impact felt on the human body by weakening immune system, and inhibiting necessary repair and rejuvenation. Thus, making human vulnerable to disease. Not just this, there is also a notable change in the behavior: people have become impulsive and aggressive, which is affecting their interaction with the society often resulting unwarranted consequences, like road rage.

In the end, even though chasing professional goals and experiencing leisure is important for a satisfying life, depriving oneself of this important physiological function is bound to lead to unfavorable consequences.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

There is a big influence of peer groups on children’s behaviour. Do advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? What can be done about it?

There is a big influence of peer groups on children’s behaviour. Do advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? What can be done about it?
There is a big influence of peer groups on children’s behaviour
Ielts Essay Peer Influence on Children 
Like all grownups are swayed by the attitudes of those around them,   young ones too show signs of this phenomenon. However, unlike adults, youngsters are impacted both ways, negatively and positively. It becomes, hence, necessary to guide children out of the negative influences by acting judiciously.

Impact of classmates and friends can overwhelm young minds quite easily, but this can sometimes have a positive effects as well, especially when it comes to academic performance. If children are surrounded by some individuals who excel academically, they, aided and supported by their peers, will follow the precedents. Besides this, a group that has some intelligent young individuals tends to foster similar qualities among all its members.

Having said that, many term impact of friends generally negative. Their opinion stems revelations of various studies. A distortion in personality and behavior is common symptom of peer effect. Children can turn into be demanding and arrogant  individuals if the company they keep has some rich, spoiled and flamboyant friends. In extreme cases problems can exacerbate, and children can pick up bad habits too.

This influenced can be checked and curtailed to a greater extent by timey interference monitoring by the parents. It is suggested by the established child behavior psychologists that if mothers and fathers keep a close vigil on the activities on the activities of their wards, and discuss about matters openly and caution their youngsters, they will be able to help young ones evade adverse impact of peer influence.

In the hindsight, the benefits of peer pressure are although clearly outweighed by the drawbacks, some exceptions do exist. Hence parents should act prudently and guide their wards judiciously. Appropriate guidance and counseling can  help young tender minds listen to their parents and only absorb good qualities of their  friends

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