Wednesday, May 1, 2024

In some countries, people are allowed to keep arms, while some people feel that private citizens should not be allowed to keep arms and ammunition as it can threaten the society and pose serious problems for public safety. Discuss and give your opinion.

In some countries, people are allowed to keep arms, while some people feel that private citizens should not be allowed to keep arms and ammunition as it can threaten the society and pose serious problems for public safety. Discuss and give your opinion. 

The debate over the right to bear arms is complex and has been vehemently questioned. In contemporary times, people have various perspectives on this matter. In this essay, I shall elucidate my stance on this matter allowing this privilege could prove to be counterproductive, and thus,  must not be afforded to private citizens. 

The proponents of this policy advocate that it is the right of individuals to possess arms and ammunition to safeguard themselves and their family members. Supporters also believe that these devices empower them for self - defense at challenging times:  they can act like a strong deterrent against potential criminal acts and keep the victims safe. Similarly, in countries where safety is a major concern, citizens are advised to be cautious of the situations and hence, feel it essential to own weapons. Nevertheless, these assumptions fall flat when considering the ground reality; this apparatus has resulted in engendering more jeopardies than bringing around a sense of security. Barring a few situations, where license has been given, others need not have ownership of these deadly equipment. 

When one does not have a gun, they are not compelled to use one. Absence of gun control laws contributes to increase in crime rates and also contributes to mass shootings. Having ownership of guns can have detrimental effects as sometimes people lose their sense of calm in pressing situations, and tend to use it without a second thought. Even at the slightest provocation, many make use of it. At times, youngsters also use it due to curiosity, or for addressing their adrenaline rush, menacing their and the safety of others. Moreover, easy access to these hazardous devices promotes violence, increasing crime rate; ultimately, leading to anti-social activities, and fueling social  discord. Many social behaviorists feel that the sheer presence of these makes people feel nervous in their own homes instead of feeling  safe. 

In hindsight, there will be severe ramifications in such a scenario and have negative societal impacts .In order to curb impulsive and potentially dangerous acts, firearms must not be given free access. These only pose a threat to society, but rarely help in extending effective safeguards.  

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Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage  of these jobs to be reserved for women? In conte...