Wednesday, September 26, 2018

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social development compared to their parents. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

When children start school teachers have a bigger influence on their academic and social developmen
Ielts Essay Parents Children  and Teachers 

When kids step out of their homes and join schooling, they start interacting with the outer world that helps foster vivid spheres of their personalities, in diverse realms – including academic and social. But, is this development has more bearing of teachers or parents is often profoundly debated.

Teachers play a role of social coaches, as many may say, and hence, they have a greater role in developing outer social persona or young learners: the teachers act a bridge between the kids and others and coach them about how to communicate with the external world. It is said that when children leave the secure environment of their homes for the very first time, they are insecure and unsure. The teachers provide a reassuring support by tutoring how to interact with peers, seniors and faculty; thereby preparing students for meaningful social interaction.

Moreover, tutors don the mantle of mentorship to satisfy the curiosity and the enlighten the young inquisitive minds by opening the doors to the knowledge. The first stories alphabets, and the tables taught with the help of rhymes overwhelm the young ones and leaves a permanent mark on their psyche. They are bedazzled by such surprising revelations: something they might not have expected back home where they got a familiar environment.

However, impact of a father and mother on the social and academic attitude and aptitude of their offspring is nearly unchallenged. Kids tend to follow precedents and footsteps of their moms and dads: they blindly believe in whatever their parents tell them since they have an unswerving faith in the words and acts of their parents.

To conclude, after discussing both the views, I do not agree with the notion of teachers influencing children more than parents, instead I feel that both have a substantial impact of personalities of young ones.