Sunday, January 25, 2015

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violent increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts essay

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violent increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Can Death Penalty Prevent Violent Crimes? 

Ever rising incidence and intensity of criminal activities has pushed many to strongly vouch for continuation of severe punishment in form of death penalties though some feel that awarding death sentence is not required and would prove insufficient as far as curtailment of unlawful activities involving violence is concerned.


Extreme steps, like awarding death penalties to the perpetrators of crime of violence acts as a major deterrent; the offenders always fear execution if found and convicted. The fear of death is the biggest element that pushes one to dissuade themselves from participating in criminal endeavors which might result in physical harm to the victims. For instance, many empirical studies and analysis have revealed that introduction of death by execution statute in early twentieth century in some countries, and reinstatement in others across the globe, resulted in steady decline in the number of incidents involving violent acts. Now, the people feel safer are able to lead a peaceful life.


However, several deride this theory, as per them, the crimes of violence like homicides are in most cases committed due to the inherent animal instincts. For some, carrying out such acts is habit and a passion and no law of any severity can prevent criminals from involving themselves from such activities. Furthermore, brutal acts resulting in physical harm can often be a result of circumstances and not deliberate. This lobby is of  the view that reformation and rehabilitation could help those intending to commit such acts, introspect an think about the impact their endeavors  could have on others.  

Overall, I feel that capital punishment is an absolute necessity to ensure a crime free society. All other proposals presented in favor of abandoning it should be overlooked, after all public safety is of paramount importance.

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