Monday, June 3, 2019

Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than governments these days. Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Explain and give your reasons.

Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than governments these days. Do the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Explain and give your reasons.

Private companies that support and carry out scientific research are spending more than governments these days
Ielts Essay Private R&D

Nowadays, private establishments are investing more than government into carrying out exploration in different fields. This as per some carries several benefits though others point out at the drawbacks. The questions arises here is whether the positives of this phenomenon outstrip negatives, or it it otherwise. I will discuss both these aspects and arrive at a logical conclusion.

Undoubtedly, private investment into R&D means speedy project initiation. Private organizations can arrange funds to be injected into such endeavors quickly: they do not have wait for the essential financial resources, as the these organizations can immediately spring into action and gather money to finance a venture, while  a government concern needs to get several clearances and also overcome bureaucratic hurdles, which can take an invariably long time to arrive at a fruition stage.

Besides this, private organizations seek productivity and optimum utilization of money and manpower resources, resulting in efficient deployment of each component. While each penny is accounted for, the expertise pushed into the projects also strive to meet deadlines. This is quite unlike government aided projects where due to job security, there is a lack of accountability among the personnel. This immensely slows down the flow and execution of any exploration.

Having said that, the associated failings of privately-funded research and development forces people to rethink. Many a times, it has been observed that in order to obliterate competition, businesses are tempted to release research results prematurely, and that also without validating outcomes and impact. This can jeopardize public safety, and lead to unwarranted consequences.

In conclusion, despite certain pitfalls, it is clear the benefits of private involvement in exploration projects outstrip its drawbacks by miles. Hence, controversies should be buried and private endeavors and forays should be promoted.

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