Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crime is nearly always related to the environment in which it occurs. For this reason, international laws and international law courts are unrealistic and will not succeed in reducing crime levels in different countries. Discuss. - Ielts Essay

Crime is nearly always related to the environment in which it occurs. For this reason, international laws and international law courts are unrealistic and will not succeed in reducing crime levels in different countries. Discuss.
Ielts Essay - International law and crime 
Crime has by far been the biggest malady that has inflicted misery on humans ever since they settled down. Several crime theorists link the commission of criminal acts to the social surroundings and environment. This blurs the possibility of international law courts effectively dealing with people leading a lifestyle of deviant behavior.

Trans-national laws and courts would be ineffective in bringing criminals to the book since the elements fostering crime across different parts of the world, many a time, depend on interaction of social and biological traits. People in disparate and sisimilar communities are brought up in diverse surroundings and their mindsets are synchronized with the native lifestyle and aspirations.  Understanding basic differences between distinct lifestyles; and gaining a deep insight into how and why individuals resort to illegal activities, is an insurmountable task. Compiling a comprehensive data on these aspects would prove to a time consuming, expensive, and thus,  a futile exercise. 

Moreover, there is a very bleak chance of any consensus being reached on scope and jurisdiction of global  law courts, in regards to the definition of crime. Creating a harmonization between diverse definitions of how should unlawful endeavors be defined is absolutely difficult as what is regarded as illegal activity in one country may not find a mention at all in others.

However, it is proven that international courts have been able to curb several activities deemed as unlawful universally, like piracy, child and human trafficking, war crimes, terror funding, drug trafficking and child pornography. Many perpetrators have already been nailed by trans-national laws and courts.

In the nutshell, I feel that even though right now idea of international laws and courts may seem to be a far-fetched dream, this concept is evolving and finding more and more acceptance world over.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Intelligence is most important component for leadership. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with adequate examples. - Ielts Essay

Intelligence is most important component for leadership. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with adequate examples.

Leaders have always been taken in high esteem, and regarded as ideals by billions of followers. Surely, people donning the role of the leaders have certain traits that define intelligence, and it is the intelligence that makes them naturally fit for leadership.


A brief peek into the past reveals that, in old days too, the people selected to lead civilian and military groups, were required to be witty, and quick thinking to find solutions, even under the adversities. Individuals leading groups must have a combination of high IQ level and great analytical skills, which enables them to easily gauge the nature of problems and also provide solutions.  Moreover, intelligence also makes the leaders visionaries, pragmatic, innovative and prone to changes. It has been experienced that intelligent people when leading from the front always seek excellence since for them, second best cannot guarantee success.


Similarly, such people are usually smarter in approach: they possess emotional resilience to face adversaries and supporters alike. They are tolerant to ambiguity and difference of opinions; pave way by balancing diverse and conflicting viewpoints; and adapt appropriate strategies to prevail upon, convince, and win over by making quick and necessary changes in plans. Ability of individuals to take criticism in their strides and carry on with their work inspires supporters and critics alike. This sets them intelligently apart from the rest of the crowd and makes them natural leaders.Apart from that, CQ or character quotient, another trait of high intellect, is another aspect that is considered to be a mandatory for commanders. Character integrity makes these people ideals for coworkers, followers and citizens of a country.


Hence, I personally believe that high level of intellect is surely a critical part of leadership, and it can make a difference between success and failure.  If one lacks such a trait, they will struggle to find followers.   


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Clothing can affect the appearance of people; to what extent do you agree or disagree? - Ielts Essay

Clothing can affect the appearance of people; to what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ielts Essay - Clothes and Appearance 

Ever since human civilization evolved, clothes and fashion have has an overwhelming influence on the human mindset since clothing styles are often associated with the moods, aspirations, age and outlook towards life. But there are others who out rightly challenge this theory of clothes reflecting personalities.

Clothes cannot be taken as true indicators of personalities. They can deceptive instead, especially in modern times when clothing is more or less associated with changing trends. Also, ascertaining personality of people with the help of dressing styles is almost impossible in conservative societies, where the clothing has not changed much over the ages.

However, generally, clothing is taken as the easiest way to judge a person. Attire greatly helps in defining the groups of the people. Clothes do not only depict the hidden traits of personalities that could be joyful, beaming with forward looking and extrovert attitude towards life, or held back, and conservative, but also highlight their age.  Similarly, styles of attire can also hide the real form of physical buildup and make a person look quite different, like people using variety of attire, for parties and other social engagements, to look slimmer or bulkier.

Furthermore, attires have been used by the people, over the ages, to define their status in the society. Dressings up styles and quality of fabrics being used for making attires and ensembles have been used since ages to accentuate socioeconomic backgrounds of people, like creating distinctions between the elite and poor classes. Dressing up styles, or rather uniforms, in work settings also reflect the impact of clothing which helps in defining distinct authorities, ranks and organizational hierarchies.

Henceforth, clothing styles do accentuate and influence the appearance of people, but simply considering this as a parameter of personality is laden with shortfalls.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor? - Ielts Essay

Every country has poor people every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help the poor?

Ielts Essay - Poverty Reasons and Alleviation 

There is not a more intriguing subject than poverty, as vicious cycle that overshadows any efforts to improve living conditions of the destitute. The world is concerned about this man-made malady and many nations are resolute about alleviating penury, but finding panacea seems to be a difficult challenge to cope with.

Primarily poverty is believed to be having deep rooted connections with the past. Most of the impoverished countries are those that were colonies of the imperialist nations till the first part of the twentieth century. The economies of these nations were indiscriminately exploited and robbed of their natural and financial resources. Today, these very nations are facing an acute scarcity of material and financial resources, and their natives are forced to lead a destitute life.

Additionally, other plausible reasons leadiing to an impoverished state, include dearth of education; thus, lack of employable skills; social and gender inequality, keeping a majority of the population out of mainstream, and hence, in deprivation. Political instability and lack of accountability on part of the stakeholders in government impeding proper implementation of policy to eradicate poverty are also major reasons for poverty. 

However, the way out of this miserable condition is well within sight. Improving agricultural practices to raise faming income; establishing effective educational infrastructure to spread education among masses and to generate employable skills; developing infrastructure to create employment opportunities for the masses, would be highly useful in getting rid of this malady from the country. Creating social and gender equality in the country would also be helpful in removing poverty.

In conclusion, despite poverty being the biggest challenge for humanity today can be removed by taking appropriate steps after identifying the drivers augmenting this phenomenon. The role of elite nations can be substantial in this endeavour.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Every country should have a free health service, even if this means that the medical treatment may not be available through the service because they are too expensive. Do you agree or disagree with this? Write in at least 250 words. - Ielts Essay

Every country should have a free health service, even if this means that the medical treatment may not be available through the service because they are too expensive. Do you agree or disagree with this?  Write in at least 250 words.   
Ielts Essay - Free Medical Assistance 
Many governments are mulling rendering free medical care to natives. This, although has invited a lot of controversies, a majority vouches for such a provision, even if the policy does not include extending advanced and costly diagnostic and treatment system to public. But would this be practical enough?

Laying costless medical care at the disposal of the natives of a country is a very feasible option, despite keeping too expensive facilities out of the premise of the policy. This would be highly beneficial for the society as a whole since a major part of population, including aged people, of every country lives in miserable conditions, and are in no position to afford even the basic medical assistance. Making available such assistance would enable to the people to access medical support in times of need and get adequate treatment at the right time.

On the top of that, the medical assistance categories, to be kept out of the purview of the policy, are used to dispense treatment for some major diseases and ailments. Most of the disease are primarily lifestyle related and affect the elite class, and elite class can afford availing such treatment. Furthermore, treatments needing expensive procedures could be subsidized by the government and costs could be shared with the taxpayers and other NGOs.

However, this proposal has serious flaws since the cost of carrying out research to find new alternatives for new strains of even common disease and disorders are rising. This would raise the cost of diagnose, treatment and medicines, which eventually lead to exclusion of almost diseases at some point of time. This would make free health support irrelevant and useless.

To conclude, free services should include everything or should be abolished  altogether.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Nowadays it is possible to use computers and mobile phones for automatic language translation, and there is no need for human translators and interpreters. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? - Ielts Essay

Nowadays it is possible to use computers and mobile phones for automatic language translation, and there is no need for human translators and interpreters. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ielts Essay - Humans or Software Based Translations 
Technological innovations of the past and the current century have brought around marvels; artificial intelligence, being most prominent of them, which has enabled humans to develop software based applications that can help in translating languages. This has reduced reliance on the human interpreters though there are others who think differently and profess humans cannot be replaced.

Today computer based language translators are believed to be precise, quick and accurate since they are equipped with a huge repository of words, by developers. It is believed that no word, and no phrase can evade these software and machine based translating applications. And, these applications can do the job of interpreting, even of the huge and multiple volumes of books in a matter of little time. These facilities are also quite cheap and the costs are non-recurring in nature; once a licensed application has been installed, one does not need to pay for any upgrades and updates.

Apart from that, these innovative applications offer unprecedented convenience, of use, and portability: these facilities can be used anywhere and at anytime, especially in case of emergencies, when communicating with foreigners.

However, languages, being a human innovation and each word carrying thousands of subtleties and finer nuances, can only be understood and translated effectively by the humans. Humans are equipped with natural cognitive abilities that enable them to comprehend emotions and subtle meanings behind use of each word in diverse contexts, especially when interpreting specific work – that may be technical or literary in nature, gibberish translations can distort the meaning of the content.

In the nutshell, although automatic language translators may be in vogue, human interpreters cannot be replaced.