Wednesday, August 7, 2013

People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before and experience many challenges. What strategies are there to meet these challenges? - IELTS Essay

People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before and experience many challenges. What strategies are there to meet these challenges?

People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before and experience many challenges
Ielts Essay - Travelling 

With the planet fast transforming into a global village, people have started traversing across the cities often transcending political boundaries in pursuit of greener pastures. This has brought diverse issues faced by those relocating under a critical scanner. However, there are plausible ways to deal with emerging challenges. 

Collecting inputs about the diversity and peculiarity of the area where people are moving to, is always useful. It is quite fruitful to carry on this exercise as people who ensure gathering some credible information regarding various factors like weather and climate, lifestyle, food, culture, traditions and habits of locals before moving into new area are always at advantage as getting acclimatized with new environment before migrating physically helps migrants to adjust to local environment quickly. 

Besides learning about the lifestyle and habits of the local populace, picking up a clues about local language and dialect always goes a long way in enabling one to integrate themselves with the destination communities effectively. Bolstering communication skills as per the host environment, assists the migrants in intermingling with the inhabitants of that area without impediments, and forging trust and meaningful relations. Not only this, one can also find it easy to survive unwarranted situations and also

 On top of that, as per some experts, embracing positive attitude always helps. Individuals moving in into new territories should always to intermingle with masses and not maintain separate identity; those easily adapting to local clothing and mannerisms find themselves at home in a new area faster than those, reluctant to change. 


In conclusion, I feel in order to surmount hurdles posed by diversity and difference of aspirations of the region being migrated to, people must become receptive and try to adopt local habits apart from grabbing linguistic skills of the host society.